I am currently working on directing a stage show set to debut this month in…
So if i am being totally honest, i think it freaks me out a little…
Bowling for the ARTS (click here)its not often if ever that i am trying to raise money, (publicly anyways) a result of many failed attempts to raise money in school) but this is totally a worthy cause and plainly a great event.
Come bowl, eat and drink all you can. Its all in the price of admission, which by the way is what you would pay to go bowling anyways and your admission will help bring the arts to at risk youth in LA! You can’t beat that.
its not often if ever that i am trying to raise money, (publicly anyways) a result of many failed attempts to raise money in school) but this is totally a worthy cause and plainly a great event.
Come bowl, eat and drink all you can. Its all in the price of admission, which by the way is what you would pay to go bowling anyways and your admission will help bring the arts to at risk youth in LA! You can’t beat that.