I am here spending some vacation time in a snowy Tahoe cabin with some close friends. We have had a great time but i am reflecting on the fact of how important it is to take some time for yourself to rest.
I slept in today which i can’t remember the last time i have been afforded that luxury, went snowboarding yesterday, and have been laughing, watching movies and playing board games the whole time we have been here. Its only a weekend but I can’t help but feel like its necessary for the year ahead. This vacation is not like the family holiday we all just came off of, this one was just for me and my wife sanity. A sort of vacation from the holiday season.
I was hesitant but we made it happen and i am really glad we did. If i can accomplish half of my goals this year in photography and in life, this vacation will have been much needed and much appreciated.
So i am wondering what sort of break do you need to recharge the cells in order to accomplish the goals you have? What would you need to overcome to just have a few minutes to yourself? Away from all the distractions of social media, computers and cell phones, away from friends and things to do, even away from the “busyness” that we all have that give our lives so called meaning?
Don’t forget this year to take the time you need for yourself even if its a few hours a weeks to get quiet, sleep a little late, get out in nature, spend time with the one or two people that really matter. I am believing we’ll all be better because of it.
By: Rick Navarro
Los Angeles Fashion & Entertainment Photographer